Hello Fresh Review
I recently tried out the meal service HelloFresh after receiving a $30 off coupon. So I opted to get the maximum amount of meals for 2 people which was 4 dinner meals. Normally it would cost $80 at $9.99 per meal per person. Which is $20 per meal together which isn’t a bad price for a meal compared to if you would have gone out to eat. I’ll do some more price break downs later after I go thru the meals I received.

Day 1: My favorite
The first night I decided to cook the Cherry Drizzled Pork Chops with Couscous Salad.
All the ingredients were prepackaged in its on brown bag and labeled for every recipe which was nice. Every meal came with a large recipe card with ingredients listed, nutritional facts and directions. The front of the card has a visual ingredient list which was helpful to make sure each recipe bag had all the ingredients needed and to make sure nothing was missing. I’ve read reviews about missing ingredients and spoiled ingredients but I had neither.
The back of the card had another list of ingredients but it had the measurements of each ingredient which is great for portion control so you know how many ounces of protein and vegetables you received. The directions were great, they had images along with text and all the main ingredients were printed in bold text so you won’t miss anything.
Also listed on the recipe card where a list of ingredients and supplies you would need to supply yourself; like salt and pepper; and pans and bowls,etc.
This is how meal one turned out:
I enjoyed it very much but my husband didn’t like the couscous so more for me :)
I found all the recipes very easy to cook but I label myself as a better than average cook. But I believe if you’re cooking skills are average you would have no problem making these recipes.
Day 2:
So for day two I cooked the Pesto Turkey Burger with Lemon Roasted Carrots
I also enjoyed this one but the only problem I had with the recipe was the size of the carrots. Because after cooking them(as directed) they shrunk significantly.
And the portion was only enough for one person definitely not two. The pesto mayo was amazing.
Day 3:
This was my husbands favorite, he really enjoyed the apricot balsamic sauce.
Day 4:
This recipe is a staple; meat and potatoes. We really didn’t enjoy the mustard herb butter but it was fun to try something new. But over all the dinner was good.
Price break down...
I went on to my local grocery delivery site to get prices for the price comparison. I selected the pork chop and couscous salad recipe to compare. I wanted to see how much it would actually cost to make each recipes if we bought the items from a store.
The total came up to $35.41.
If you were to break down the prices oz to oz it would be $10.35 worth of ingredients you would actually be using for the recipe.
And we’re paying $19.98 for two servings on this recipe.
So your paying $9.63 for convenience for having each ingredient measured out already and instead of having $25.06 of ingredients left you don’t need or won’t be using ever again.
Final thoughts...
So if you like trying new recipes and don’t want to waste food that you won’t ever use again I would definitely recommend trying this service. It cost less than going out to a restaurant and you can cook in your pajamas ;)
I also think HelloFresh should be mindful when portioning their sides like for the Pesto burger and carrots because we definitely should of received double the carrots if they were going to be that small.
I really do like the service, but when deciding on keeping my subscription I had to cancel. My husband is picky about his food and when looking at the future menus I had to skip the next four weeks. But if your a couple who loves to try new foods I would definitely recommend it or even if your single this would be a great service, you would just have leftovers for lunch.
I think I will continue to look at the recipes they share on their website if I want to try something new.
Thanks for stopping by and reading my thoughts.